Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 10)

Scripture: Song of Songs 4:7
Heart Matter: Altogether Beautiful

Song of Songs 4:7 says, “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” This verse offers a profound truth: altogether means the totality and completeness of beauty, not a segmented or compartmentalized view. The phrase "no flaw" doesn’t imply that the beloved is literally perfect in a worldly sense; instead, it highlights that the beloved is seen as whole and valuable.

This is a powerful verse for us to build a healthy, Christ-centered self-view and to create healthy and compassionate relationships with others. We often view ourselves or others through a lens of criticism, or tie our self-worth to performance, labeling things and people as all good or all bad. But God sees us as a whole person, valued not because of perfection but because of who we are in His eyes. True maturity comes from recognizing both the good and the bad in ourselves and others, and accepting them with grace.

It doesn't mean that we should have grace only; we need a healthy balance of grace and truth. Grace says, "I am loved as I am," while truth says, "I can grow." Living in this balance of grace and truth allows us to see ourselves and others as altogether beautiful—loved, accepted, and in a process of growth.

Heart Applications

Write down areas where you’ve been overly critical of yourself and others. Ask God to help you see those areas through His eyes, with both grace and truth. Begin practicing grace-filled acceptance alongside truth-oriented growth in those areas.


Abba Father, thank You for the truth that I am altogether beautiful in Your eyes, not because of my perfection, but because I am loved and valued by You. Help me to see myself as You see me—whole, precious, and worthy of love. Teach me to extend this same grace and understanding to others, recognizing the beauty in them as well.


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series Part 11


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series (Part 9)