Perhaps Today Part 4
Perhaps Today...We Make Every Moment Count
"Make the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:16, ESV)
"Perhaps Today" reminds us that every moment is an opportunity to glorify God. Even in the smallest things—a moment of prayer, worship, or quiet meditation—we can draw closer to Him. Outwardly, a simple act of kindness, a warm smile, or a small gesture can touch someone’s heart. Yet, how often do we let these moments slip away? Distracted by the world or consumed by trivial thoughts or our selfish pursits, we may overlook the opportunities that can carry eternal significance.
Let us be intentional with our time. Evaluate how we spend it and consider: Are we focusing on things that have no lasting value? What if we saw each task and moment, no matter how small, as an act of worship? By being led by the Holy Spirit, we can seize these moments to glorify God and be a blessing to others.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and help you be intentional in how you use your time. Seek to see every moment from His perspective, with a posture of humility and awareness.
Abba Father, Help me to see the small moments as opportunities to glorify You. Guide me by Your Spirit to live intentionally and use my time for things that matter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.