The Farewell Prayer Part 3

I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. John 17:23 (NKJV)

In the last part of the farewell prayer, Jesus prays for our union with Him. "I in them and You in Me," speaks of an intimate dwelling of Christ in believers through the Holy Spirit. This divine indwelling is not about us becoming divine—we can never be God—but about being made complete in a unity that mirrors the unity of the Father and the Son, a unity rooted in purpose and love.

The perfection Jesus refers to is not about flawlessness, but completeness. It's about the body of Christ coming together in such harmony that the world can see and understand the true nature of God's love. It is through this unity and our relationship with God that the world will recognize the heart of Jesus' mission and God’s love story for humankind. His ultimate purpose is to provide redemption for the fall and restore us to the Father’s original design of love.

Reflection Question:
How can your current relationships within the church or with other believers reflect the unity that Jesus prayed for, and what can you do to help improve this unity as a testimony to the world?

"Abba Father, we thank You for Jesus who dwells within us through Your Holy Spirit, that we may truly embody the oneness for which Jesus prayed. Help us to reflect Your perfect love and unity in our lives. May our collective witness as Your body proclaim Your love and truth to the world, so that they may know You sent Jesus, and have loved us as You have loved Him. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen


The Bitter Cup


The Farewell Prayer Part 2