The Bitter Cup

"So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished!' And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit." - John 19:30 

In the final moment of Jesus' crucifixion, every detail holds symbolic significance, including His last drink of sour wine. This was not a random gesture but a fulfillment of Scripture, specifically Psalm 69:21, 'They also gave me gall for my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.' This sour wine, commonly consumed by Roman, soldiers served as a humble and modest drink, symbolizing the humility and immense suffering Christ endured. As Jesus declared, 'It is finished,' He was not merely concluding His earthly life but was proclaiming the completion of His mission—to atone for the sins of humanity. This act sealed the New Covenant with His blood, marking the ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. The sourness of the wine represents the bitterness of human suffering and sin that Jesus bore on our behalf, magnifying the sweetness of the salvation He offers.

Reflection Question: How does understanding the significance of Jesus drinking the sour wine deepen your appreciation for His sacrifice?


Abba Father, we express the utmost gratitude for the bitter cup that Your Son, Jesus Christ, willingly drank on the cross. Thank You for His ultimate sacrifice, not only enduring the physical pain but also the deep bitterness of our sins. We are thankful that through His declaration, 'It is finished,' He completed the work necessary for our salvation and began the new covenant with His blood. Help us to live daily in the reality of this new life, continually drawing near to You in faith and obedience. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


From Unbelief to Belief


The Farewell Prayer Part 3