From Unbelief to Belief

Jesus said to him, 'Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.' John 20:29

The resurrection story in John 20 presents multiple journeys from unbelief to belief. Mary Magdalene's personal encounter with the risen Christ transforms her despair into a bold proclamation: "Jesus is risen." Following her announcement, Peter and John race to the tomb, leading to a realization for John, who believes upon seeing the evidence of the empty tomb and the discarded grave clothes.

The other disciples, locked away in fear, encounter Jesus, who appears among them and breathes the Holy Spirit into them, empowering and commissioning them. Thomas, known for his doubts, personally encounters Jesus and moves from skepticism to a profound declaration of faith, saying, "My Lord and my God!"

These moments not only illustrate the disciples' journeys but also reflect our own paths to faith. The early disciples were blessed to see and witness the resurrected Jesus, but there is an even more special blessing for future believers like us. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Let us believe in Jesus’ resurrection and receive this special blessing.

Reflection Question:

Which character's journey in John 20 resonates most with you today? How does their story challenge you to move from unbelief to belief? 


Lord Jesus, we stand in awe of Your resurrection, a cornerstone of our faith. Though we have not seen with our eyes, we believe in our hearts the testimony of those who witnessed Your victory over death. We ask for the faith to see beyond the temporal and trust in the eternal truths You have revealed to us. Empower us, Holy Spirit, to be bold in our witness and steadfast in our belief. Help us to treasure and hold onto the blessed assurance that though unseen. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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