The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 5) Resourcefulness

She is like the merchant ships; She brings her food from afar.  Proverbs 31:14

In Hebrew, the word for "merchant" is סוֹחֵר (socher), which stems from the root that means "to go around." This root captures the dynamic and mobile nature of a merchant's work—constantly navigating, negotiating, and adapting. It depicts someone who is not only resourceful but also adept at finding opportunities, solving problems, and efficiently managing resources to ensure sustainability.

Proverbs 31:14 portrays the virtuous woman as a merchant ship, highlighting her exceptional planning, maangement, and strategic thinking—qualities that make a successful merchant. This metaphor extends beyond mere economic activity; it reflects a woman or a man who is capable, industrious, and proactive. Their ability to "bring her food from afar" symbolizes their extensive reach in caring for her family and community, not settling for what is nearest or easiest but striving for the best.


How can you embody the resourcefulness of a merchant in your spiritual life and relationships? Consider what "bringing your food from afar" might look like in these areas.


Abba Father, grant us the qualities of the merchant ships described in Proverbs 31. Empower us to embrace the journey of going beyond what is convenient, to seek out Your wisdom and provision. May we navigate life's challenges with the strategic thinking of a skilled merchant, bringing values and enrichment to those around us. Help us to be industrious and capable, especially in managing resources, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and blessings. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 6) - Rise to Serve


The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 4) - Joy in Labor