The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 6) - Rise to Serve

"She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her household and portions to her maidens.” Proverbs 31:15

A virtuous woman rises early to serve; this act is not merely physical but signifies a deeper spiritual readiness and preparation. The Hebrew word 'qûm,' meaning to arise or endure, symbolizes a disciplined mind and a heart poised for spiritual awakening and service. This virtuous wife puts her family's needs first, sacrificing her own comfort. Though the most translations often says 'food,' she provides not just bread but also meat, offering them more nutritious dense meals. Her ability to manage resources effectively extends even to her maidens, ensuring that all under her care are fairly treated and well-fed. This verse teaches us the virtues of diligence, proactive service, and wise and equitable resource management in our lives and spheres of influence.


How can you emulate the diligent and resourceful spirit of the Proverbs 31 woman in your daily routine to better serve those around you?


Abba Father,  give us the strength to rise early, not just in body but in spirit, seeking You first before all else. Infuse us with wisdom to manage our resources wisely, ensuring that we not only meet the basic needs but provide abudantly for those around us. Help us to maintain fairness and diligence in all our dealings. May we arise and shine for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.


The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 7) - Foresight


The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 5) Resourcefulness