A friend of God

AI, Christian

Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 

Today's key verse illustrates the intimate relationship between God and prophets. The word "secret" in Hebrew is sôd, meaning close discussion, intimacy, and consultation. Moreover, "sôd" comes from the root word "Yacad", which means "to sit close together.” My mind comes up with this picture: when God reveals His secret, it is like two or more people reclining on cushions, totally relaxed to discuss deep matters and secrets in a relaxed atmosphere. Exactly like when we relax on the couch with our families and close friends at home, this is the ultimate relaxing and intimate moment. 

When God reveals His secret to us, we need not climb up the mountain top and experience the thunder moment. Another false perception is that God's secret is only revealed to selected and celebrity pastors or prophets. As we read about the prophets and patriarchs in the Bible, we find that they were just ordinary people who were friends of God. As Abraham was known as a friend of God (James 2:23), Moses met God face-to-face, Enoch and Noah walked with God intimately, and Jesus said we are His friends. "I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15

As a result, the key to receiving God's secret and advice lies in simply being a friend of God. There is no partiality in God, His secrets are not meant for the benefit of some exclusive individuals. Through friendships, we can access God's secret, strategic plans and counsel. 

There are times when God is revealed to certain people because they are willing to proclaim it, even if it is unpopular and may even be persecuted. As an example, a brother who loved the Lord received revelation and interpretation about the end times. One night the Spirit was upon him, he had a continuous dialogue with Jesus, and Jesus answered some of his difficult questions. According to the brother, Jesus revealed the secret like his friend, and he later recorded a series of videos with the profound revelation about the end times.

However, not every God secret is meant to be disclosed immediately or for everyone. We should discern God's timing and the nature of the secret, as well as test every prophetic message against the Scriptures. Lastly, “The  secret of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant. Psalm 25:14 , Healthy fear is not running away from God, but rather not losing his sweet and intimate presence. As friends of God, let us receive His counsel and deep matters from His heart.

Blessing prayer: Jesus, you are our best friend and we love you like John, so we hear your heart and recline on your bosom. In Jesus' name, Amen


Isaachar anointing 


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