Isaachar anointing 

the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do,  1 Chronicles 12:32

Isaachar was the 9th son of Jacob, and the 5th son of Leah. When Leah gave her mandrakes to Rachel so she could spend the night with Jacob, Isaachar means “He will bring a reward.”

The Bible mentions Issachar and his tribe multiple times. The key verse of today's key verse is often cited by the prophetic people who refer to it as Isaachar anointing, which means the ability to discern the seasons and times to understand the will of God. This is a prophetic anointing, in which foresight is given so preparations can be made.  

In Jacob's final words to his sons, he prophesied that Isaachar would be a strong and burden-bearing donkey.   Donkeys are often seen as obedient and submissive animals in the Bible, especially tamed ones, which Jesus rode into Jerusalem on. Symbolizes that donkeys are humble servants. A donkey can be humble to carry others' burdens, and honorable to carry God's load, including our Lord Jesus Christ. Isaachar's anointing also refers to patience, quiet, and industrious spirits, which we need during difficult times.

Also Moses prophesied that the sons of Issachar are “For they shall partake of the abundance of the seas, And of treasures hidden in the sand.” (Deut 33:19) The verses mean the sons of Issachar not just understand God's timing, but they have knowledge and wisdom and told the sons of Zebulun, who are more business-minded, where the abundance of the sea and the hidden treasure could be found. In a way, I found that we could see the spiritual wisdom can be applied in our lives, obtaining both material and spiritual blessings. Isaachar's anointing is also filled with abundance and fruitfulness.

I believe more Sons of Issachar are rising these days. They are prophetic, true servants of God with fruitfulness and abundance! May we be filled with the Isaachar anointing. 

May God fill us with the Isaachar anointing to know the times of God, with a humble and industrious spirit and spiritual insight to help others obtain abundance. In Jesus’ name, Amen


The Three Spiritual Habits (Part 1) -


A friend of God