Unbroken fellowship 

AI, Christian devotional

Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,  and ]sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.  Acts 2:44-46

As a result of Pentecost Sunday, believers not only received the Holy Spirit, but also found a new spiritual act called “fellowship ”.  'Koinonia' is the Greek word for fellowship and means something in common, sharing, partnership, or participation.  

It is the spirit of sharing that is the heart of fellowship, much like the images depicted in the key verses, as opposed than the spirit of selfishness and individualism. As Christians, we share something in common, our faith in Jesus Christ. Additionally, we share the same mission to share the gospel, which includes experiencing the power of the gospel, as well as spreading it. In addition, God cares about our lives on this earth, and He wants us to share material blessings with one another through fellowship. Marriage also exercises the core values of fellowship. This is especially true when two people share everything and live together.

It is God's design for fellowship to benefit us; just look at the cross. God wants us to be immersed in the inseparable relationship between the vertical, which represents a man's relationship with God, and the horizontal, which represents our relationships with other believers.  It is our desire to bond and develop meaningful relationships. 

The purpose of fellowship is to bind us together with Jesus Christ, our common bond.  When fellowship without Jesus loses its true meaning, it can become just a social gathering. We should always keep in mind that since Jesus is the primary source of fellowship, we need to have a threefold cord of fellowship in order to maintain a strong and unbreakable relationship with others.

Last but not least, why did God create man in the first place? It is through "Koinonia" that we are created to be in fellowship with both God and other people.  Let us not give up meeting together, for it is God's design for us to connect, bond, and share a life together.

Blessing prayer: We are blessed to have fellowship with you and other believers, and  God will make our relationships unbreakable by making Jesus the center of all our fellowships. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


A friend of God


Sowing in tears