Cup of blessings 

My cup overflows. Psalm 23:5

Throughout the Bible, cups are often used as metaphors for fate and life. Psalm 16:5 says “You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup.” This verse reminds us that life is like an overflowing cup of blessings and salvation.  

On the other hand, cups can represent wrath and suffering, as Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed that  “take this cup of suffering away from me”. Luke 22:42. A cup of wrath represents God's judgment as it appears in different books like Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Zechariah  and the  revelation.

Also there are two kinds of cups as well,  “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.: 1 Cor 10:21.  We have a choice, whether we go to the table of the Lord or the demons.

It is good news that Jesus drank the cup of suffering for us, so when we partake in communion, we are welcomed to the table of the Lord and reaffirm our covenant with him. “ This cup is the new covenant in my blood,  which is poured out for you” Luke 22:20 (Luke 22:20).

Our cup overflows because Jesus' blood is pouring over us. He took away the cup of suffering and wrath so that we could enjoy the cup run over. I bless you that you come to the Lord's table to drink the cup of blessings that symbolizes everlasting life, blessings, and His covenant with us.

Blessing prayer:  Jesus, thank you for taking our place and transforming the cup of wrath into the cup of life, giving us an everlasting life and covenant with God. I bless our lives with an overflowing cup, we never run out of His extravagant blessings and more than enough to share with the people around us. In Jesus’s name, Amen. 


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