Speaking the truth in our hearts

AI, devotional, Christian

“He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart.” Psalm 15:2 

There are two questions in Psalm 15:1. “Lord, who may abide in your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?”

 As we see in the 's key verse, one of the conditions for dwelling in God's holy hill is that he "speaks the truth in his heart." “Truth” אֶמֶת ʼemeth,in Hebrew means: stability, certainty, trustworthiness, faithfulness, right.  The truth comes from spoken words, a testimony, a doctrine, divine instruction, or a judgment.  How can we speak the truth in our hearts?

As an answer to the question, Psalm 15:3 lists the things that we should not do: 

  1. Do not to slander with our tongue

  2. nor do evil to his neighbor, 

  3. nor take up a reproach (shame and disgrace) to his friend.

Zechariah 8 is a good cross reference to the key verse and teaching today.  “These are the things you shall do, speak each man the truth to his neighbor, ” Zec 8:16 and the next verse 17 says:” Let none of you think evil in our heart against your neighbor.” (Zec 8:17)

There is evil when there is an absence of truth. Adam and Eve's first sin is to be deceived by the serpent and forsake the truth. Therefore, in order to be able to speak truth in our heart,  Please note that it is “in our heart”, not “from” our heart, as our heart can be deceptive, we must forsake evil and allow God's truth to dwell in us.  

For speaking the truth and thinking no evil against our neighbors, we need the Holy Spirit's help in giving us a clean heart and helping us grow in godliness.  My blessings are with you, that as children of God, we manifest His godliness by speaking the truth so we can dwell in His Holy Hill, which is referred to as the City of Truth. (Zec  8:3) 

Blessing Prayer: May mercy and truth dwell in your hearts so that you can speak the truth with love. We ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse our hearts and minds so that we can reflect the image of God who is the God of truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


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