The bread story

AI, Christian devotional, midjourney

I am the bread of life. John 6:48 

The Bible has a number of bread stories. There is a stark contrast between the bread stories of Joseph selling bread to the famished Egyptians in exchange for their flock, land, and even slavery, and Jesus feeding five thousand by multiplying five barley loaves and two fish.

The story of Joseph's bread represents the world's market economy, which is based on scarcity like famine and people agree to get enslaved for bread. It is like eating bread for anxious toil.  On the contrary, Jesus multiplies the physical bread and feeds thousands of people free of charge. Jesus provides bread with no sorrow and bondage, He is the bread of life. 

Joseph's bread can be stored up years in advance, but God's bread is like Manna, which can spoil the next day. Manna resembles our daily bread in the Lord's prayer. Our fear of lack leads us to store up bread on earth and ask God for annual bread instead of daily bread.

He teaches us to pray for daily bread because He is the bread of life, not only spiritually, but He wants us to trust Him daily that He is the source of provision and that His bread does not bring sorrow but freedom, joy, and contentment.

My blessings to you are that you eat the bread of life and not the bread of slavery, as Jesus has already broken the power of slavery so that we can have abundant life.

Blessing prayer:  We thank God for giving us our daily bread and He fulfills every need of ours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. We put our trust in Jesus for He is the bread of life and provides everything we need. In Christ, we no longer eat bread with sorrow and we have no need to store up anything for fear of lack because He is our living and daily bread. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


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