Riches, honor and life 

“Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor.” Proverbs 3:16

Throughout the book of Proverbs, Solomon depicts God's wisdom as a lady.  The lady wisdom in chapter 9 prepares a table of feast (Pr 9:1-6) to invite people to eat her bread and drink her wine to follow the wisdom path. We are constantly invited to join her feast of wisdom as she longs for us to have her.  

Let us imagine that the lady of wisdom is standing in front of us and she is offering us three things that men desire: longevity, riches, and honor.  

Length of the days promises us long life and good quality of life, such as good health, peace of mind, and a godly lifestyle that will save us from dangerous and reckless living. 

We can obtain riches by following the spiritual law, which includes diligence, giving, saving, and spending, that will help us  stay away from poverty by observing the spiritual law. 

Wisdom leads to honor, which enhances our reputation and helps us gain favor from others. The key to living honorably and righteously is having wisdom, which helps us stay humble, end strife, handle issues graciously, and receive godly counsel.

Beyond earthly riches, honor, and long lives, wisdom promises us eternal life, spiritual riches, and honor that God delights in sharing with us. How do we respond to this amazing invitation from  Lady Wisdom?  “By humility and fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life. Proverbs 22:4.” 

Let’s stay humble and fear the Lord, and I'll bless you with wisdom so we can enjoy riches, honor, and life forever!

Blessing prayer: May you embrace Lady wisdom and treasure her wholeheartedly, for she is more precious than rubies and her gain more valuable than fine gold.  May you delight in the feast with Jesus and receive His guidance at all times.  I bless your life with a long life, riches and honor all the days of your life. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


The bread story


The dangers of unbelief