Get Wisdom

AI, midjourney, Christian devotional

“My son, let them not depart from your eyes, keep sound wisdom and discretion”. Proverbs 3:21

With wisdom and discretion, we can achieve the following promises as summed up in Proverbs 3:21-26.

  • We will have life to our soul and grace to your neck (our soul, namely our mind, will be filled with Christ's life and death to sinful thought. Grace becomes the adornment and no longer bondage hangs around our neck. )

  • We will walk safely in our way and our foot will not stumble (God is guiding us on the right path and protecting us from the fall).

  • We will not be afraid and our sleep will be sweet (No longer do we live in fear and God's wisdom gives us peace to sleep well.)

  • We will not be afraid of sudden terror and trouble  (terrors may come suddenly, but we will not be dismayed) 

  • God will be our confidence and will keep our foot from being caught (He protects us and won't let the righteous be moved) 

We can enjoy these wonderful promises when we have wisdom and discretion.  How can we get wisdom and discretion? By fearing the Lord and putting God first. When our hearts and minds are right, we can yield to the Holy Spirit who will lead us to wisdom through studying His word, praying, worshiping in spirit and truth. I pray that our mind is filled with Christ so that we will continually hear from Him and grow in wisdom.

Blessing prayer: I bless you the spirit of the Lord is upon you, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. May your mind be yielded to the Spirit and free from lies and accusations from the enemy. God's wisdom will guide you throughout your life, and you will enjoy the benefits of a life filled with blessings and grace. In Jesus’s name, Amen! 


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