Largeness of heart 

And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. 1 King 4:29

The Hebrew word for largeness is rochab, which means breadth or width.  All things flow from our heart, it represents our spiritual inner man, which is the seat of knowledge, wisdom, consciousness, and character. Having a large heart means having a broad mind as well as expanding our inner man.  

In our key verse today, God gave Solomon wisdom as well as a large heart. Therefore, wisdom and prudence result in a large heart, and foolishness results in a narrow heart. We are reflected in the quality and impact of our lives by the condition of our hearts. 

The heart of a large person always has room for God, just like a supercomputer with immense computing power which is able to solve complicated problems, just like Solomon was able to resolve complex issues with God's wisdom. Alternatively, our pride, which makes our hearts narrow and small, demonstrates our smallness in the face of God's vastness and infinity. 

As a result, when we humble ourselves before the Lord, God will expand our heart as well as our mental capacity, and thus wisdom will ensue, as God described Solomon's heart as like the sand on the seashore.

It has been proven that average humans only utilize a small fraction of their total brain capacity so how can untapped power be harnessed? Praying for a large heart that allows us to think broadly, generate creative ideas, and achieve divine strategies. 

In addition to praying, how can we enlarge our hearts? Psalm 119: 32 gives the answer “I will run the course of Your commandments, For You shall enlarge my heart.”

The key is to hear God's word and obey it.  The continual enlargement of our hearts depends on our obedience to God's Word.  I pray that God will expand the breadth of our mind and broaden the heart of those who bear His image. 

Blessing prayer: May you expand our hearts through your word and spirit so that we may be endowed with divine wisdom and ability to fulfill your assignments. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Fourfold blessings 


Prosperity is a journey