Left Foolishness by Right Wisdom

AI, Christian devotional

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, But a fool’s heart at his left. Ecclesiastes 10:2

Proverbs and Ecclesiastes depict the comparison between the wise and the fool. Solomon, the author of these two books, is known for his wisdom, but he also made foolish decisions that caused his kingdom to fall. Humans appear as fools in front of God's wisdom, and yet the Bible instructs us clearly how to avoid being fools at all costs and grow in wisdom. 

The definition of foolishness has nothing to do with one's intelligence or educational background. It relates to one's heart and character. Some fools are ignorant, but some know right from wrong and still choose to do wrong, whereas the wise choose to do what's right. In other words, it indicates that a fool is straying from the path of righteousness, someone who does not know, fear, or trust God, thus inclined to be influenced by sin.

Throughout our lives, we need to make countless decisions about wisdom and foolishness since they have opposing perspectives and objectives that cause us to go in opposite directions. As an example of how to respond to bad things that happen to us, "A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back" Proverbs 29:11, How do we choose? Do we react with negative emotions, or respond with peace and composure?  

There will be times when we lose our cool and act like fools, but let us not be discouraged, as our father promises to give us wisdom generously when we ask." If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives liberally and without reproach." James 1:5.

The source of all wisdom and knowledge is God, and He delights in giving wisdom to those who fear him. May we be humble and teachable so that we may grow in wisdom.

Blessing prayer: Let us fear the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom, and abhor foolishness that knows nothing about not knowing their right hand from their left.  In Jesus’ name, Amen 


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