Making music in your heart 

AI, Christian devotional, midjourney

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.” Psalm 19:14

David is known as a man after God's heart, a poet and harpist with many talents. As he wrote Psalm 19, he used the word Meditation in Hebrew הִגָּיוֹן means resounding music, refer to a soft, tender, murmuring sound, similar to playing harps. 

On a mission trip to Indonesia 8 years ago, I was so distressed by a dispute that I could not sleep at all.  The following day, we had a long road trip to the village. The pastor's wife sat next to me in the car, singing and making melodies under her breath the entire time. In no time at all, I felt so much peace and slept on her shoulder like a baby and my distress was gone. As I asked her why she could sing and make melodies all day, she simply replied, "I just think about the Lord, and my heart just sings.".

I learned from her that pleasing meditations are like making music in the heart to the Lord. Therefore, Let us be filled with the spirit, and " speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,” (Esphesian 5:19).  God delights in us when we think of Him, and the Holy Spirit will help us make melodies in our hearts.

Blessing prayer:  May our whole hearts set upon you and make melodies. We pray that you will take delight in our words and our meditations so that we will be able to sing praises to the Lord and bring peace to the world with our melodies.  In Jesus’s name, Amen.  


Our hearts are everything


Heeding the voice