The key to yielding a hundredfold

“But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Matthew 13:23

God multiplies, and He commands us a number of times throughout the Bible to be fruitful and multiply.  Jesus clearly states in the key verse that anyone who hears the word and understands it will indeed bears fruit and produces. Let us then understand the four keywords and the progression of yielding the hundred fold life. 

Seeds represent God's word and soil represents our hearts. We can yield a hundredfold by meeting the four conditions below.

1) “Hear “ ἀκούω, meaning to understand and comprehend and to give ear to teaching. Reading the bible should not be treated like a fairytale, but as God's teaching, we should be humble and open to it

2) “Understand” “συνίημι”  meaning set or join together in the mind. 

It is not enough to just hear the word, but to meditate on it and churn it over until our minds connect the meaning of the word. God's word is too often just seen as a motivational quote without pondering it and applying it to our life.  

3)”Bear Fruit”  καρποφορέω, meaning bear fruit literally and the phrase is used as a passive tense. It takes time for fruit to grow to fruition, the growth behind it is by the power of the Holy Spirit, indicating that the word of God needs to combine with the Holy Spirit to form fruit.

4) “Produces” ποιέω, meaning perform, fulfill, to make a thing out of something. According to Jesus, we cannot bear fruit without abiding in him, a “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; “ John 15:4. Our fruit is abiding in Jesus, and as a result, the seed starts with the word of God, brings it to fruition, so  we can magnify Christ in our life with 100 fold abundance.

Blessing prayer: May God bless your spirit of receiving the word of God and give you an understanding heart to bear fruit. I bless you for meeting Jesus when you read the bible, your minds are being enlightened and yield to the spirit. May the 100 fold harvest manifest in your life spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


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