Debunk Lies with Ephesians (Part 2) Chosen to Be Loved

Common Lie: I feel unloved and unworthy of love

Today, one of the most common lies that many of us struggle with is the feeling of being unloved or unworthy of love. Often, this is rooted in shame—a tactic used by the enemy to plant and reinforce a false core belief within us. This lie whispers that we have no value, that there is something just wrong with us, making us constantly blame ourselves and doubt our inherent worth.

However, Ephesians 1:4 offers a powerful truth that dismantles this lie. It reveals God's love for each one of us as a deliberate and intentional choice. God didn’t make a random choice. He chose us even before the world was created because His love is foundational to our existence. Understanding this, we see that everyone who is alive today carries great value and divine approval, simply because God has chosen us.

The verse then guides us towards sanctification, asking why we need to be holy. To be holy means we are set apart for God's purposes. This sanctification isn't about earning His love; it's about living in response to His love Knowing His love propels us to grow in holiness—to reflect and develop God's character in our lives. Being blameless suggests that in His love, we are free from accusation and rejection mindset. With this freedom, we can secure ourselves in the Father’s love and His approval.

It is noteworthy that the verse concludes with the phrase "in love." This choice of words emphasizes that it is out of agape—unconditional love—that God chose us. His heart desires that we live a life of calling. Responding to this love not only transforms us but also allows us to testify of His agape love to others.

Scripture Immersion:

Write about instances or triggers that made you feel unloved or unworthy. Next to each, note how Ephesians 1:4 speaks God's truth over your life, changes your self-view, and reinforces your identity in Christ.


Abba Father, I renounce the lies that I am unloved, unworthy of love, or lacking in value. I affirm that I am chosen, loved, and valued by God, destined to live a holy and blameless life in God’s love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 3 Adoption 


Debunking Lies with Ephesians1: (Part 1)Blessings