Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 3 Adoption 

Common lies:The common lies that "I do not belong anywhere," "I must earn love and acceptance through my actions," and "There is no real purpose for my life," stem from an orphan mindset.

This mindset can make individuals feel constantly abandoned and isolated, leading them to believe they must work hard to earn love and acceptance. Ephesians 1:5 counters this by stating, "He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will." This verse emphasizes that God has deliberately chosen us, not based on our actions but through His grace. Adoption into God's family affirms that we are loved unconditionally, with all the rights and privileges of being His children. This is part of the spiritual blessings we receive. Importantly, it pleases God to adopt us, reinforcing that we are accepted and valued exactly as we are. Our lives have a divine purpose designed by God, which speaks against the notions of purposelessness and hopelessness. To truly embrace these truths, we must renew our minds, as stated in Romans 12:2, and align our thoughts with God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will. This renewal helps us live out our identity in Christ and counters any lies stemming from orphan and rejection mindsets.

Scripture Immersion:

  1. Personalize Ephesians 1:5: "God predestined me for adoption through Jesus Christ according to His pleasure and will." Affirm this truth whenever lies arise. 

  2. Engage actively in your church community or join a small group to experience the spiritual belonging and family.

Lord, today I renounce the orphan mindset that tells me I am an outsider with no purpose. I reject the lies that I must earn Your love through what I do. Father, I thank You that through Your son Jesus, You have chosen me and adopted me into Your family, not based on my works but according to Your lovingkindness and grace. I declare that I am a beloved child of God, presdetined for adoption through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my life has purpose and I am loved unconditionally, according to His pleasure and will. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 4 Receiving with praise


Debunk Lies with Ephesians (Part 2) Chosen to Be Loved