Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 4 Receiving with praise

Common lie: I must repay every gift or act of kindness.

A common lie we often believe is that when we receive something, like a gift from someone or even grace from God, we have to give something back. But Ephesians 1:6 tells us something different about God’s grace—it’s totally free and comes with no strings attached. In many cultures, especially in Chinese culture, there is a strong belief in not owing anyone anything. This verse helps us understand that God’s grace isn’t about owing or repaying; it's a gift that comes directly from God.

God gives us grace because He loves us, not because He expects something in return. And He demonstrates this love through Jesus, who is called "the beloved." This shows us that God's grace is relational, not transactional.

So, what is the proper attitude to adopt when we receive God's grace? The verse starts with "to the praise." This means our first reaction should be to thank and praise God. We praise Him because we can't earn this grace; it’s freely given, and so we should receive it freely. We also praise Him because His act of giving us grace displays to everyone how generous and glorious He is. When we praise God, we are simply recognizing the source of the grace and telling God we see and accept His love. This pleases God and helps us live with a sense of faith and peace, knowing we are deeply loved by Him.

Scripture Immersion:
Praise God out loud often, thanking Him for His grace and the gifts you have received.

"Abba Father, I renounce the lie that I must repay for what I receive, earn Your grace, or feel uncomfortable when accepting gifts and blessings from others. I will receive freely, with praise, and not reject Your grace by trying to rely on my own works. I will praise You at all times for Your glorious grace, freely given to us in Christ."


Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 5 Offense


Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 3 Adoption