Love is…(Part 6)
“Love doesn’t seek its own” (1 Cor 13:5)
In 1 Corinthians 13:5, the Greek word zēteō—to seek—takes on a negative meaning when paired with "self." This combination emphasizes a motive focused on personal gain. It implies a form of selfishness where one's actions are driven by a personal desire for benefit or gain, rather than the welfare of others. It is akin to "calculation," as it involves expecting something in return, rather than being purely concerned with the good of others.
This self-seeking behavior can manifest in attempts to win favor or please only those who can repay us. In contrast, agape love, known for its selflessness and unconditional nature, lacks personal interest and does not calculate what might be gained from giving but gives freely and abundantly. It does not seek to compensate oneself or give conditionally.
Thus, true love should be unconditional, seeking nothing in return, and mirroring the sacrificial love of Christ. It is about giving selflessly, without any hidden agenda, reflecting the pure, generous nature of God.
In what ways can you cultivate a more unconditional approach to love, ensuring you don't expect anything in return?"
Abba Father, thank You for Your unconditional love. We confess and repent of any self-seeking behaviors and attitudes where we have loved conditionally, expecting something in return. Uncover areas in our lives where we have not trusted in Your complete provision. Help us to love as Jesus loves—freely, generously, and without expectation, reflecting Your agape love in all our relationships, including our own. In Jesus' name, Amen.