Perhaps Today Introduction

 The founder of Our Daily Bread Ministries, Dr. M.R. DeHaan, began his radio ministry in 1938. He would often close his program with the words, “Perhaps Today,” reflecting his hope and expectation for the Lord’s imminent return.

“Perhaps Today” is more than just a phrase—it’s a mindset. The Bible encourages us to live in anticipation of Jesus’s second coming. While we don’t know the exact timing of His return, we also don’t know when our last day on earth will be. For someone, today could be their last day. This reality reminds us to live intentionally, with an eternal perspective, making the most of every moment we’ve been given.

Perhaps today, someone will be saved.
Perhaps today, I’ll be set free from bondage.
Perhaps today, we’ll stand before God.
Today is the day.

In this upcoming devotional series, my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will guide us to live intentionally, realign our priorities, and make conscious choices to love God, love people. May the Spirit lead us moment by moment, prompting us to ask: “If today is the day, am I living for what truly matters?”


Perhaps Today Part 1


Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment, Part 11: Conclusion – Freedom from Law