Perhaps Today Part 8
Perhaps Today, I Will Choose Love as the Default
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
The "Perhaps Today" series is about intentional living—we can choose life or death, love or apathy. To choose love may not come automatically. It requires a conscious decision and the exercise of our free will to choose love. But every time we choose love, we choose God, for God is love.
However, brokenness and negative experiences may create a "love deficit," distorting our ability to see or experience love. It’s like a product with faulty settings—our minds default to fear, hurt, or negativity. But perhaps today, we can hit the reset button and choose love as the default.
Choosing love doesn’t mean pretending everything is perfect or denying pain. Instead, it’s about shifting our perspective and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Where we might assume rejection, we choose to see goodwill. Where past hurts tempt us to give in, we hold on to God’s healing and restoration.
Yesterday may have been filled with negativity or pain, but today is a new start. Let’s intentionally replace negative thoughts with God’s truth and view life through the lens of His love.
What thoughts are dominating your mind today? How can you choose God’s love as your perspective?
Abba Father, help me reset my mind to choose love as the default. Fill my heart with Your truth, and let Your love guide my thoughts and actions. In Jesus’ name, Amen.