Seasons of Life: Part 3

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin." —Zechariah 4:10 

We’ll continue exploring the decades with an ‘S’ word.

The 20s: Survival

This stage is about figuring out adulthood, making career choices, and taking on responsibilities. It’s a time of learning, making mistakes, and growing.

  • Important questions to consider:

    • What do I like to do?

    • Can I make a living at it?

    • Is this what the Lord wants me to do?

  • Nobody expects you to change the world—this is a time for learning and exploring.

  • God can open doors, but it also requires faith to walk through them.

  • If one door is closed, knock on another—keep trying. 

  • Seek spiritual counselors to guide you through this season.

The 30s: Success

By this stage, many experience career advancement and financial growth. It’s common to define success based on professional achievements, but perspectives shift over time.

  • Success isn’t just about reaching goals—it’s about aligning our lives with God’s purpose.

  • We should ask ourselves, “Am I becoming the person God wants me to be?”

  • As we grow older, our definition of success fades, but God’s purpose remains.

Reflection Questions:

How do I define success, and is it aligned with God’s will?

Prayer:  Abba Father, guide me through each season of my life. At all times, help me learn and trust Your direction. Teach me that true success is found in living for Your glory. Give me faith to walk through the doors You open. Amen.


Seasons of Life – Part 4


Seasons of Life: Part 2