Seasons of Life Part 9

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." Psalm 23:4

Every path in life has its difficulties. At some point, we face valleys—seasons of immense pain, loss, or hardship. These moments shake us, break us, and test everything we believe.

I know what it’s like to walk through the valley. Years ago, I lost everything—my business collapsed, and I had no place to stay. But in that season, I saw God’s faithfulness in ways I never had before. Friends and family stepped in—not just with words but with real help. Through that experience, I became closer to my family and found a deeper connection with my spiritual family. And most importantly, I learned this: the valley is not forever. It is just a season.

When pain comes, don’t suppress it—acknowledge it. It’s also crucial not to walk alone. In deep pain, there’s a temptation to isolate, believing no one understands or no one can help. But God designed us for communities, and we need valley walkers—people who offer the ministry of presence. When I was at my lowest, true friends showed up, and I will never forget their goodness.

People in pain don’t always need advice; they need presence and mercy. Mercy isn’t just withholding judgment—it’s entering into another’s pain. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is show up and stay silent.

If you are in a valley, remember: the season won’t last forever. God is faithful. And if you’ve walked through valleys before, be a valley walker for someone else. Offer mercy, extend presence, and remind them: "God is with you."

Reflection: In the valleys of life, do you allow yourself to receive help from God and others, or do you tend to isolate? How can you be a valley walker for someone else today?


Abba Father, in the season of valley, help me to remember that I am not alone. Teach me to lean on You and the people You’ve sent in my life. Give me the strength to walk through the valley with faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


Seasons of Life Part 10


Seasons of Life Part 8