Stirred to Speak: A Heart Boiling Over

My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1

Our heart can be stirred like a pot on the stove, and when it's stirred to boiling, it bubbles over with thoughts and feelings. Psalm 45:1 shows this image clearly,  likening our inner thoughts to a pot boiling over. In the Hebrew text, the word that is often translated as 'overflowing' actually means 'stirred.' This term evokes images of heated, fervent activity, suggesting an intense spiritual state that is moved, much like water brought to a boil.

Just as a skilled writer's pen flows with eloquent words, our tongues can overflow with grace-filled thoughts from the Spirit. Jesus taught in Luke 6:45 that the good treasure stored up in our hearts shapes our speech. Let God's Word and Spirit kindle the fire within, so that our words may bring forth His praise.

Reflection Question: 

What thoughts about the Lord are simmering within you?  What can you do to fan those flames, so they continue to stir your heart and speech?

Prayer and Declaration:

Abba Father, I declare that my heart is stirred by Your goodness and love. As David prayed for a clean heart in Psalm 51:10, I too ask for a heart purified by Your Word. Guide me to guard my heart with diligence, as Proverbs 4:23 instructs, for it is the wellspring of life. Empower me to give praise and share Your word and testimonies as skillfully as a masterful writer. May my thoughts and speech be pleasing to You. I pray that my tongue will be an instrument of Your grace and truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Be Still and Selah!


Faith That Amazes Jesus