The word of Proverbs 31 (Part 1) Excellence 

An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. Proverbs 31:10

The new series on Proverbs 31, often referred to as the chapter for virtuous women, actually covers universal virtues applicable to everyone. Each day, we will focus on one Hebrew word found in the key verse. Today, the word for "excellent" or "virtuous" in Hebrew is “Chayil.” Chayil is a vast and powerful word that means strength, valor, wealth, might, and an army’s force. It is used to describe both virtuous women and men of valor.

The concept of strength in men and women may be confused with over-assertiveness or outspoken behavior. However, Chayil represents true inner strength. It is about having the strength to be quiet and trust, the wisdom to make wise decisions, and the valor to face life's challenges.

“Chayil” comes from God’s strength and His empowerment. It has nothing to do with our outward presentation, whether we appear weak or forceful. Rather, the essence of Chayil is that men and women act with courage, strength, and spiritual insight. True strength from Chayil comes from our identity in Christ and empowerment by the Holy Spirit. We choose to reject fear and take courage to pursue wisdom and God’s btruth with boldness, which will result in excellence and virtue.


Identify any areas in your life where fear or societal expectations have hindered the development of Chayil.


"Abba Father, we ask for the Chayil, so we have the strength, valor, and a powerful force of virtue within us. Remove any falsehoods or fears that cloud our true identity in You. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and help us to manifest Your kingdom on earth as bearers of true Chayil, showcasing a balance of strength and grace that only comes from You. We want Chayil in every decision, interaction with others, and when we face challenges in our daily lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The word of Proverbs 31 (Part 2) Trust 


Love is…(Part 14)