Do not despise the small things
“Despise” means to consider someone or something unworthy, insignificant, and worthless. King David's sin with Bathsheba is not just about murder and adultery. Instead, it is about "despising God's commandment ”
Overcoming strongholds (Part 2)
Strongholds don't just sit in our minds doing nothing, they produce uncontrollable thought patterns that can result in unwanted actions and behavior, even worse, bad minds can destroy our health.
Overcoming strongholds (Part 1)
They hide in the spiritual fortress to avoid being discovered. "I am not even here" is also a form of spiritual attack; it allows the enemy to occupy and afflict our minds liberally.
The three worldly desires (Part 2)
We can do God's will when we love him, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” John 14:15. When we obey God, it is not driven by legalistic activity like do or don't, but out of a genuine love of doing what pleases God. I
The three worldly desires (Part 1)
In a similar way, Satan tempts Eve as well as Jesus with these three worldly desires. As for Eve, she saw that the forbidden fruit was good for food
Yes be Yes
Sometimes it's hard to say "no" without over-explaining, which means our "no" isn't really a no, and gives the recipient the power to turn it into a yes.
Turning back into a child
Jesus commands us today to be “converted” as children, and the Greek word “convert” means “turning back”. We were children once, and we had these wonderful qualities such as purity, humility, trust, and God reminds us to maintain these qualities and not lose them.
Hearing God’s voice
Please note that Jesus did not say my sheep would or might hear my voice. He makes an absolute statement, my sheep hear MY voice.
Faith like Abraham
Abraham's story illustrates how God loves the world and His redemptive plans for us because He keeps His promises to Abraham.
Slow is deep
The Navy Seals have a famous saying: “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” This military mantra emphasizes the importance of paying attention to details when doing a task, especially during stressful times.
The heart of stewardship
It is for this reason that stewardship is better than ownership, a good steward sees their role as a gift to be used for the good of others. Instead of being possessive, a good steward is willing to cultivate it well for a greater cause than themselves.
A different spirit
God has put dreams, desires, and promises in our hearts, so may the spirit of Caleb be upon us and so we are fueled with focus, conquering faith and pursue the inheritance boldly.
Bless the Lord
Our prayers aren't just about asking God for favor or blessings, although God delights in blessing us. We can bless God by praising Him for who He is.
Total protection
The Psalm 91 is well known for God's total protection, one of the most famous bible teachers Derek Prince called it "God's atomic bomb shelter ”.
The joy of the Lord
For many people, joy is an unattainable goal or a luxury. Because of how the world indoctrinates us, we are taught that happiness is based on our circumstances and material success.
The significance of honor (Part 2)
By honoring God and people, we will be rewarded by Him, so it is time to own our responsibility to cut off the enemy's dishonoring spirit, so we can walk in love and honor people with an honorable attitude, words, and deeds.
The significance of honor (Part 1)
Therefore, honor is more than politeness and good manners on the outside; honor is the truth that underlies our relationships, as well as our identity and what we are truly worth.
The sanctuary of God
In order to enter the sanctuary, we need to play our part to move, that is to walk in the spirit. As we submit to the Holy Spirit and draw near to Him, God will reveal Himself to us, changing our natural thinking into spiritual thinking, and in the presence of God, He will reveal His divine purposes and plans.
Exposing witchcraft (Part 2)
The key verse for today shows how to combat witchcraft, it says that when we submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from us. Our submission requires repentance and following the righteous path and not going back to the old ways.
Exposing witchcraft (Part 1)
The desire to control and manipulate others is evil, since God never seeks to control us. He gives us free will to choose Him, good or evil. However, He holds us responsible for how we use this freedom and the consequences of our wrong choices.