Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment: Part 2 – The Very Heart of God
He forgives as though the sin had never happened, withholding the judgment his son deserved. Mercy triumphs over judgment by bringing restoration, not condemnation.
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment (Part 1) Mercy vs Grace
The reality is, we all need mercy—whether it’s from God, others, or even ourselves. In moments of failure, guilt, or suffering, mercy forgives and restores. Without mercy, judgment and accusation can take over, leaving us in bondage.
Money is Spiritual – Part 18: Conclusion
Generosity is like the physical water cycle: as we give to others, God ensures we are replenished. The more we pour out, the more He fills us.
Mercy triumphs over judgment (Introduction)
When we show mercy, we reflect God’s heart and His unconditional love to those around us. Let us journey together to discover what it means to love mercy, walk humbly before God, and share His tender compassion with others.
Money is Spiritual – Part 17 Cain vs. Abel
God accepted Abel’s offering because it came from a pure heart that honored Him. However, He rejected Cain’s offering because of Cain’s heart condition.
Money is Spiritual Part 16: Investment in the Bible
Can Christians invest? Even though the Bible doesn’t explicitly use the term "investment," the answer is yes! As Christians, we are called to exercise wise financial management.
Money Is Spiritual:Part 15 Comparing Wealth
One common spiritual struggle with money is the tendency to compare our financial situation to others. Insecurity often drives this comparison—when we feel inadequate or lack confidence in our self-worth.
Money Is Spiritual, Part 14: Lending to God
God sees every act of generosity, no matter how small, and He values it. Not only does He promise to reward us in this life, but He also assures us of eternal rewards.
Money is Spiritual, Part 13: Preserving Treasure
We are called to manage our resources intentionally and saving not in fear but in faith. When we save wisely, we honor God as his stewards while also creating a foundation of stability for ourselves and others.
Money Is Spiritual: Part 12 - Contentment vs. Greed
Contentment is rooted in trust and satisfaction in God’s provision. It is the assurance that God will meet our needs and that what He has given is enough.
Money is Spiritual Part 11: The Key to Contentment
Godliness gives us purpose, meaning, and fulfillment that only come from a relationship with God. As Scripture reminds us, “Do not love the things in the world” (1 John 2:15).
Money is Spiritual: Part 10 – Sharp Diligence
Biblical diligence encompasses more than effort—it includes sharp focus, avoiding distractions and trivial matters; determination, pressing forward with consistency even when challenges arise; and excellence, doing work with quality, wisdom, and purpose.
Money Is Spiritual, Part 9: Overindulgence
The Bible teaches us the importance of moderation and prudent living. One reason many people struggle financially is excessive indulgence in pleasure—particularly food, drink, and luxury.
Money is Spiritual – Part 7: 10 Common Lies About Money
Lie: Money brings happiness.If we have enough money, like wear right clothes, live the right neighborhood, we’ll finally be happy and fulfilled.
Truth: True happiness doesn’t come from possessions but from God alone. Only God can fill the emptiness within, while money leaves us longing for more.
Money is spiritual Part 5 Impatiently Chasing Wealth
In contrast, the Hebrew word for “faithful man” (אֱמוּנִים – emunim) means steadfastness and trustworthiness. A faithful person is reliable, diligent, and trusts God’s provision and timing.
Money is Spiritual – Part 4: Buy and Sell vs. Sow and Reap
In contrast, the sow-and-reap system is rooted in biblical principles. It’s determined by faithfulness and stewardship, and it operates on God’s timing rather than immediate results. This system focuses on long-term growth, multiplication, and impact, with God as the ultimate source of increase—not human effort.
Money is Spiritual: Part 3 – Exposing the Spirit of Mammon
Money is spiritual. Behind the pursuit of wealth lies an invisible spiritual force called Mammon, the opposing master Jesus warns us about. Mammon is not just money but a spiritual entity that rivals God.
Money is Spiritual – Part 2: Our Money Belongs to God
Faithfulness means managing money in alignment with God’s principles. This requires wisdom, accountability, and intentionality in how we earn, spend, save, give, and invest. Let’s embrace our role as financial managers of God’s resources and commit to avoiding waste, debt, or greed.
Money is Spiritual Part 1: A Tailor-Made Provision
God Himself is the source of all provision, and in His divine plan, He tailors a unique financial plan for each of us. He provides exactly what we need, in His perfect timing and measure.
Money is Spiritual (Introduction)
Why does the Bible focus so much on money? Because it is one of the most tangible indicators of where our hearts and priorities lie. How we handle and view money reflects the condition of our heart and our faith. Money impacts not only our relationship with God but also our relationships with others. It can be a powerful tool for blessing others through generosity, yet it is also often the root cause of relational breakdowns, conflict, and greed.